Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Monkey About The House Part 4

Wow! Well, wasn't that exciting. I was driving like a maniac! I do have to admit I like to drive really fast sometimes. It probably comes from growing up in Delaware. I remember when they built the first road there. Everybody ran out and bought cars aand started driving up and down the road really fast. Then everybody ran out of gas at about the same time and had to walk home. It was a while before they got around to building a gas station. Pretty crazy, huh?

You know, this was the first time I'd ever seen the sea. That must have been why I was walking so fast. Usually I'm much more of a stroller (or 'drag-a-heel-heavy-hocks' as we say in Delaware). It's a little known fact that Delaware is completely surrounded by other places. Place-locked, they call it. No ships, no buoys, no off-shore drilling or gambling boats. Just places, and the things that go in them. Oh dear. Now I'm starting to feel a little homesick!

What about those people climbing that rope, eh? Don't have much to say about that really, except, well, 'Why?'

That sand did feel good between my toes (I have two. One on the end of each leg). Quite hot though. Which might be another reason why I was walking so quickly! But once I got there (the sea, that is), I really didn't know what to do with myself. All I could do was sit there. I suppose I was thinking about things. And places. And Baby. And being so far away from all my friends.

Monkey About The House Part 3

Well! What did you all think of that? Isn't she cute! I suppose she should have been in it a bit more. I'll have to make it up to her. She really is the best.

It's been hard making friends here since moving from Delaware. I still feel quite lonely and at a loose end sometimes (I guess you can tell!). Baby is such great company, even though she doesn't actually do very much. Just kinda lays there (like you saw), looking kind of mopey (or 'low-down feely head' as we sometimes say in Delaware. Don't ask me why). But she really is the best.

So, the letter thing, I hear you ask. No, it's true, I don't get very much mail (not even from Delaware!). The thing is, I don't send many letters myself. So I can hardly get annoyed when no one writes to me. But I do. I fact, sometimes I get so mad I could just shit on the floor! But then I have to remind myself I'm not in Delaware anymore, and that kind of behavior just doesn't fly here in California.

So I guess I was a little annoyed when I left the house. That must have been why I drove away so fast. Don't worry though! I'm a very good driver. 'Read the road': that's what I was taught. And that's what I do.

Monkey About The House Part 2

Well, I think Part 1 was a lot of fun. That is basically my day (when I'm not working of course!). I DO tend to watch a lot of TV, especially since I signed up for some of the 'premium' channels. Of course, I like the nature documentaries best of all! The History Channel's good too, but I don't understand why they have all those shows about Nostradamus or UFO's or Hitler's occult links to Sadaam Hussain etc. Thats not history! It's bullshit! ,as we say back in Delaware (we don't mince words in Delaware).

Anyway, I don't want to rant. It's only TV. By the way, the sandwich you can see me enjoying is just a basic cheese and tomato sandwich (in Delaware it's referred to as a 'cheesey toe', ew!), but since moving here to Southern California, I've learned how to 'spice it up' a bit with some red onion. Its delicious!!

Well, that's about that for Part 1. In Part 2 you get to see (albeit briefly!) my real best friend: Baby.


Monkey About The House Part 1

Welcome to my new blog!

Well, this is exciting. I've never done one of these things before. While growing up in Delaware, despite being involved in a wide range of community activities, I didn't have access to a computer. So I missed out on all these new developments. But now, having moved to California to pursue a career I thought it was time to 'get hip to' (as the kids say) this whole internet thing.

Besides, while 'surfing' the 'web' recently I found a lot of monkey related material, but nothing, as far as I could see, that really lets the general reader know what its like to be a monkey on a real, day-to-day level (especially one from Delaware!).

But enough of that for now. I guess I'll fill you in a little later on my 'back story' (as my new friends here on the west coast say). In the meantime, here's the first part of Monkey About The House !